Robert Gernhard: Deutung eines allegorischen Gemäldes

Robert Gernhardt: Folgen der Trunksucht

Dylan Thomas: Under Milk Wood

Rainer Maria Rilke: Ich fürchte mich so vor der Menschen Wort

Heinrich Heine - Nachtgedanken

Jean de La Fontaine: Le Loup et l'Agneau


To algebra God is inclined.
The world is a thought in his mind.
It seems so erratic
because it's quadratic
and the roots are not easy to find.

There was once a young man called Baker
who seduced a vivacious young Quaker.
And when he had done it
she straigthened her bonnet
and said: I thank God my Maker.

Two middle-aged ladies of Fordham
went out for a walk and it bored them.
But on their way back
a sex-maniac
leapt out from some tree - and ignored them.